Chapter 22  Reflection and refraction of light

22.1 The Nature of Light

•  Light generates interference and diffraction patterns (characteristics of a wave).

•  According to Maxwell, light is a form of electromagnetic wave.

•  Light can acts like a particle (the photoelectric effect in Chapter 27).  The light particle is called “photon”, and the energy of a photon is proportional to the frequency of the electromagnetic wave (f);  E = hf

where h = 6.63 x 10-34 J-s is Planck’s constant (Chapter 27).

•  Light has a dual nature.  Light acts as a wave in some cases and in others it acts as a particle.  

22.2 Measurements of the Speed of Light (Reading Assignment)

•  In early days, the speed of light was believed to be infinite.

<Roemer’s Method>

•  Roemer estimated the speed of light by studying the eclipses of Io in 1675.

<Fizeau’s Method>

•  Figure 22.2 (using a rotating toothed wheel)

•  The speed of light is

                   c = 2.997 924 574 x 108 m/s

22.3  The Ray Approximation in Geometric Optics

•  Light travels in a straight line path until it encounters a boundary between two different materials.

•  A Ray of light is an imaginary line drawn along the direction of travel of the light beam. 

•  A wave front is a surface passing through the points of a wave that have the same phase and amplitude.  When light rays travel in parallel paths, the wavefronts are planes perpendicular to the rays.  (Figure 22.3) 

22.4 Reflection and Refraction

<Reflection of Light>

  Law of Reflection 

The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the surface all lie in the same plane, and the angle of reflection  equals the angle of incidence :  (Figure 22.5)


•  Specular reflection vs. Diffuse reflection

•  Example

<Refraction of Light> &  22.5 The Law of Refraction

•  Figure 22.7

•  When light strikes the interface between two media, part of the light is reflected and the remainder is transmitted across the interface.  The change in the direction of travel as light passes from one medium into another (transmitted light) is called refraction.

•  Light is refracted because the speed of light is different in the two media.

•  As light travels from one medium to another, its frequency (f) does not change.

•  The index of refraction n of a material is the ratio of the speed of light c in a vacuum to the speed of light v is the medium:

                   n =  

Also,           n =

where  is the wavelength of light in vacuum and  is the wavelength in a medium.

•  Table 22.1 (Indices of refraction for various substances)

  Snell’s Law of Refraction 

When light travels from a material with refractive index n1 into a material with refractive index n2, the refracted ray, the incident ray, and the normal to the interface between the materials all lie in the same plane.  The angle of refraction t2 is related to the angle of incidence 1 by

                   n1 sin 1 =  n2 sin 2                        (22.8)

                    =  =

•  The path of a light ray through a refracting surface is reversible.

•  Examples

<Apparent Depth >

•  Because of refraction, a submerged object has an apparent depth that is different from its actual depth.

                   d' = d ()                                       

22.5 Dispersion and Prism

•  The index of refraction in a medium except vacuum depends on the wavelength of light.

•  Light of different wavelengths is bent at different angles when incident on a refracting material. (Dispersion)

•  Prism (Figure 22.14 and 15)

22.6 The Rainbow (Reading Assignment)

•  The rainbow is formed because of the dispersion of sunlight due raindrops.

22.7 Huygens’s Principle (Skip)

22.8 Total Internal Reflection

<The Critical Angle>

•  Figure 22.24

•  When light passes from a medium of larger refractive index into one of smaller refractive index (n1 > n2), the refracted ray bends away from the normal (2 > 1).  If the incident ray is at the critical angle (1 = c ), the angle of refraction (2) is 90°.

                   sin c =           for n1 > n2                     (22.9)

•  When the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle (1 > c), all the incident light is reflected back into the medium from which it came, a phenomenon known as total internal reflection.

•  Figure 22.25

•  Fiber optics (Figure 22.27)

•  Examples